Treatment For Blocked Fallopian  Tubes At Denver Fertility

Treatment for Blocked Fallopian Tubes

Common causes of blocked Fallopian tubes include pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, a past ectopic pregnancy, abdominal surgery, fibroids and sexually transmitted infections.  Blocked tubes can be easily diagnosed during a hysterosalpingogram (HSG) or in-office Femvue . These tests help to determine if your fallopian tubes are open.

There are several options for treating blocked Fallopian tubes. Our Denver Fertility surgeons support women in selecting the treatment option that is aligned with their unique needs, providing them the best chance of developing a healthy pregnancy.  

Options For Treating Blocked Fallopian Tubes

-In vitro fertilization (IVF) to bypass the Fallopian tubes. In some cases, the best treatment for blocked Fallopian tubes involves bypassing the Fallopian tubes and moving straight to IVF. This procedure involves ovulation induction with medications, egg retrieval, fertilization of eggs and sperm, and embryo transfer.

-Laparoscopic or hysteroscopic surgery to repair the fallopian tubes. These minimally invasive procedures can repair blocked Fallopian tubes. A laparoscopy involves a small telescope being inserted through a small incision in the patient’s belly button.  A hysteroscopic surgery consists of the telescope being inserted through the cervix, so it does not require an incision. 

-Laparoscopic surgery to remove the fallopian tubes. When the fallopian tubes are significantly damaged, the best option may be to remove them because they could decrease a woman’s likelihood of conceiving.  After surgery, she would then need to utilize IVF to conceive.

One Chance To Repair The Fallopian Tubes

It’s important for women to understand that after the first attempt to repair the fallopian tubes, subsequent procedures are rarely successful. We make it our top priority to help couple receive the correct diagnosis and select the treatment plan that gives them the best chance of success.

Our experienced Denver Fertility surgeons are here to provide high-quality treatment for blocked fallopian tubes. 

Dr. Ambler with Smiling Patient

Denver Fertility Care

Denver Fertility Care was founded in 2010 to provide exceptional, state-of-the-art fertility treatments tailored to each patient's unique journey. Led by Dr. Dana Ambler, who is board certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology as well as in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, our highly trained team is dedicated to helping you achieve the family of your dreams with compassionate, comprehensive care. Our affiliations include:

  • AMA: American Medical Association
  • ASRM: American Society of Reproductive Medicine
  • ACOG: American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
  • SREI: Society for Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility

To learn more, schedule a consultation by filling out our online form, or call: (720) 420-1570.

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